One part of the development cycle that took lots of time is creating a data loader. Almost every real world project requires the developer to carefully plan this part. The bigger the dataset, the more effort needed to develop efficient loaders.

In this blog post, I want to share three methods of data loading that are useful for any Keras projects.

Built-in Image Generator

This generator assume you to arrange your data in this format.

    │   ├───cats
    │   └───dogs

The data are placed in their respective classes. Test and train set have the same number of classes. This arrangement can utilize Keras built-in ImageDataGenerator feature.

def get_generator(data_path, batch_size, image_size, label_type, training=True):

    if training:
        datagen = ImageDataGenerator(
            width_shift_range=0.1, height_shift_range=0.1,
            shear_range=0.2, zoom_range=0.2, horizontal_flip=True,
            rescale=1. / 255.0
        datagen = ImageDataGenerator(
            rescale=1. / 255.0

    data_flow = datagen.flow_from_directory(
        directory=data_path, batch_size=batch_size,
        target_size=image_size, class_mode=label_type,

    return data_flow

In the code above, the data_path is the directory containing all the classes, i.e test_set, train_set. Usually, training and testing data required different preprocessing steps. You can apply data transformation by passing the options wanted.

The flow_from_directory method will do the heavy work to pull out and apply preprocessing to your data. One thing to note is the class_mode argument. You have to choose the right class mode to ensure the labels are processed correctly. Refer to Keras documentation to see more control options.

Custom Data Generator 1

Sometimes, you may need a lot more preprocessing steps that are not available in the built-in feature. This is when a custom Data Loader is useful. Take example of the dataset below,

data/test_set\cats\cat.4999.jpg	cats
data/test_set\cats\cat.5000.jpg	cats
data/test_set\dogs\dog.4001.jpg	dogs
data/test_set\dogs\dog.4002.jpg	dogs

The dataset is for cats vs dogs classifier. All the paths and labels are saved into train and test txt files which can be loaded into lists using the code below.

with open("train_set.txt", "r") as f:
    data = f.readlines()

img_path_list, label_list = [], []
for d in data:
    img_path, label = d.strip().split('\t')

img_path_list store all the path to images while label_list store their respective labels. Then your custom data loader will look something like this

class Custom_ImageGenerator(Sequence):
    def __init__(self, data_filenames, labels, label_encode, batch_size, image_size):
        self.data_filenames = data_filenames
        self.labels = labels
        self.label_encode = label_encode
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.image_size = image_size
        self.work_dir = Path(".").parent.absolute()

    def __len__(self):
        return (np.ceil(len(self.data_filenames) / self.batch_size)).astype(

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        data_batch = self.data_filenames[idx * self.batch_size : (idx+1) * self.batch_size]
        data_labels_batch = self.labels[idx * self.batch_size : (idx+1) * self.batch_size]

        temp = []
        for img_path in data_batch:
            img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(self.work_dir, img_path))
            img = cv2.resize(img, self.image_size)
            img = img / 255.
        encoded_label = [self.label_encode[label] for label in data_labels_batch]

        processed_img_batch = np.array(temp)
        encoded_label_batch = np.array(to_categorical(encoded_label))

        return processed_img_batch, encoded_label_batch

The whole process of loading and processing the data will be…

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # create_files()

    label_encode = {"cats" : 0, "dogs" : 1}

    with open("train_set.txt", "r") as f:
        data = f.readlines()
    img_path_list, label_list = [], []
    for d in data:
        img_path, label = d.strip().split('\t')

    train_gen = Custom_ImageGenerator(img_path_list, label_list, label_encode, batch_size=64, 
                                        image_size=(224, 224))

To understand how the code works, you need to know a few things. The main ingredients in our custom made class is Sequence. This is a built-in Keras feature that is optimized for multiprocessing. According to their official documentation, This structure guarantees that the network will only train once on each sample per epoch which is not the case with generators.

By inheriting Sequence, you must implement two methods, __getitem__ and __len__.

  • __getitem__ : This method will output data for the the batch specified by the argument index
  • __len__ : This method computes the number of batches for every sequence.

The only thing you care about is what you should do in the __getitem__ section which consists of how you can get the data for a given batch_size and index. In this example, I store the imgs_path and labels as a list which can be sliced accordingly. All data preprocessing is performed in this section.

Custom Data Generator 2

In some projects, I found out that the previous custom generator is not useful enough. I was working on the CRNN model for Optical Character Recognition (OCR), when I found out that the train and test model have different input shapes. One way to use the custom generator before is to change the model to have the same train and test input shape.

But, since most(almost all) of open source research won’t do it this way, it is wise to not reinvent the process so you can have more references. And, using the built-in Keras data loader is definitely not usable if you are loading from raw data as the labels are preprocessed differently.

For this, we are going to modify the code a little bit. The data are stored in the same manner as before which consists of image paths and labels. So, the first step is to load the txt file to get the information. Then here comes the changes.

class DataLoader(Sequence):

    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def __init__(self, filenames, labels, char_list, batch_size, training, image_size=(32, 128)):
        self.filenames = filenames
        self.labels = labels
        self.char_list = char_list
        self.batch_size = batch_size = training
        self.w = image_size[0]
        self.h = image_size[1]
        self.max_label_len = 0

    def __len__(self):
        return (np.ceil(len(self.filenames) / self.batch_size)).astype(

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        data_batch = self.filenames[idx * self.batch_size: (idx + 1) * self.batch_size]
        label_batch = self.labels[idx * self.batch_size: (idx + 1) * self.batch_size]

        X, y = self._generate_data(data_batch, label_batch)

        return X, y

    def _preprocess_image(self, img, w, h):
        if w < self.w:
            add_zeros = np.ones((self.w - w, h)) * 255.0
            img = np.concatenate((img, add_zeros))

        if h < self.h:
            add_zeros = np.ones((self.w, self.h - h)) * 255.0
            img = np.concatenate((img, add_zeros), axis=1)

        img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=2)

        # Normalize Images
        img = img / 255.0

        return img

    def encode_to_labels(self, txt, char_list):
        # encoding each output word into digits
        dig_lst = []
        for _, char in enumerate(txt):

        return dig_lst
    def _generate_data(self, data_batch, label_batch):
        # Method to generate batches of data

Our data loader still inherits from Sequence. The addition is using the abc library as the __metaclass__. This library, through @abc.abstractmethod creates abstraction of the decorated methods. In our example, we decorated _generate_data as abstract to be used somewhere else.

The somewhere else are…

class TrainGenerator(DataLoader):

    def _generate_data(self, data_batch, label_batch):
        batch_imgs, batch_labels, input_len, label_len = [], [], [], []
        for img_path, label in zip(data_batch, label_batch):
            img = cv2.imread(img_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

            # Preprocess image
            w, h = img.shape
            if h > self.h or w > self.w:

            img = self._preprocess_image(img, w, h)
            label = self.encode_to_labels(label, self.char_list)

            input_len.append(self.w - 1)

        batch_labels = pad_sequences(batch_labels, maxlen=self.max_label_len, padding='post', value=len(self.char_list))

        batch_imgs = np.array(batch_imgs).astype('float32')
        batch_labels = np.array(batch_labels).astype('float32')
        inputs_len = np.array(input_len).astype('float32')
        labels_len = np.array(label_len).astype('float32')

        return [batch_imgs, batch_labels, inputs_len, labels_len], batch_labels

class ValidationGenerator(DataLoader):

    def _generate_data(self, data_batch, label_batch):
        batch_imgs, batch_labels, input_len, label_len = [], [], [], []
        for img_path, label in zip(data_batch, label_batch):
            img = cv2.imread(img_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

            # Preprocess image
            w, h = img.shape
            if h > self.h or w > self.w:

            img = self._preprocess_image(img, w, h)
            label = self.encode_to_labels(label, self.char_list)


        batch_labels = pad_sequences(batch_labels, maxlen=self.max_label_len, padding='post', value=len(self.char_list))

        batch_imgs = np.array(batch_imgs).astype('float32')

        return batch_imgs, batch_labels

Just by observing the output, you can understand that they need to be processed separately. Both classes inherit from the custom data loader which enables them to use all the methods such as _preprocess_image and encode_to_labels and modify _generate_data separately.

You only need to call TrainGenerator and ValidationGenerator in the main function to load the data. These data loading techniques are not only limited to images, but as you can see, texts can be preprocessed the same way. It’s very useful!

That’s it for this post. Hope you will learn something useful. Thanks. View code used here.