This simple project is to explore the value of word cloud plot. I am exploring Malaysian COVID19 Twitter tweets.
Full dataset:
The original dataset combines tweets from other countries. I have filtered the tweets based on county_code = ‘MY’. The result produce 4785 lines of tweets to explore. I only take a few meaningful columns, which are tweet, retweet_count, favourites_count, created_at, and lang.
Exploring raw dataset
0 When will this be over #CoronavirusOutbreak 0 12523 2020-03-05T03:19:35Z en
1 I miss those days when I sneeze people would p... 1 5107 2020-03-05T09:54:45Z en
2 Bond movie postponed cuz nobody wants to die. ... 0 5107 2020-03-05T11:47:07Z en
3 All these days software was scanned for virus,... 0 5107 2020-03-05T13:27:55Z en
4 #GempakKongsi Maklumat terkini mengenai #Covid... 8 870 2020-03-05T14:46:20Z in
... ... ... ... ... ...
4780 #CoronaUpdate #untilltomorrow #malamminggu\n#C... 0 183 2020-03-28T21:26:30Z und
4781 China sold 432million erous>3548crores in m... 0 183 2020-03-28T21:43:41Z en
4782 #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe\n#Covid_19\n#Malaysialo... 0 4 2020-03-28T22:49:40Z und
4783 Please jangan macam tu😢\nKawan2 please #stayat... 0 471 2020-03-28T23:22:16Z in
4784 Why we should #StayHome #MCO #Covid_19 #MedTwe... 487 2361 2020-03-28T23:41:36Z en
4785 rows × 5 columns
Columns: text, retweet_count, favourites_count, created_at, lang
As you can see, there are lots of garbage characters and emojis. In some cases, HTML tags exist. If not cleaned carefully, they can cause noise to the dataset as some tag exists frequently and are comparable to other words.
Cleaning & Preprocessing
def unicodeToAscii(s):
return ''.join(
c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFD', s)
if unicodedata.category(c) != 'Mn'
table = str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)
def clean_string(tweet):
tweet = re.sub(r'http\S+', '', tweet) # remove links
tweet = re.sub('#\S+', '', tweet) # remove hashtags
tweet = re.sub('@\S+', '', tweet) # remove mentions
tweet = re.sub('&\S+', '', tweet) # remove html entities
tweet = tweet.translate(table).lower() # remove punctuations and lower all letters
tweet = unicodeToAscii(tweet.lower().strip()) # normalize ascii
tweet = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z]+', r' ', tweet) # clean all non-letter string
return tweet.strip()
From the snippets above, I decide to remove some parts of the tweet that is not useful. The removed parts are links, hashtag, mentions, HTML entities and punctuations. Hashtags are helpful to decide the tweet topic. However, for this task, I remove them as they are not part of the sentence.
vocab = {}
for s in df_text:
for w in s.split():
if w not in vocab:
vocab[w] = 1
vocab[w] += 1
vocab = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(vocab.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))
Combine all words and record the number of usages. Sort words according to its frequency of occurrences.
Plotting wordcloud
# by default max_words is 200
wordcloud = WordCloud(width=700, height=350, max_font_size=40,
background_color='white', max_words=1000,
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.savefig('/content/drive/My Drive/covidcloud.png')
To plot the dictionary, I am using the wordcloud library. You can view the documentation here. I am using the minimal example from the docs.
As you notice from the comment, the default value is set to 200. I found out that setting max_words more than 200 will not add value to the visualization as the image will be too crowded. The stopwords parameter is specified to None, which means I am going to use the internal stopwords collection.
We have to be careful when setting the size. Well, it is not a big deal. But, you don’t want to end up having an image that is zoomed to blur. WordCloud width and height is used to initialize NumPy array to create image pixels, while figsize is in inches. Bigger WordCloud size means more words can be fitted, while bigger figsize will give a zooming effect.
I think wordcloud plot helps to understand the big picture of corpus sentiment. It can be used as an initial analysis which is simple enough to help us:
1) to observe the effectiveness of data cleaning - Are there any non-human words exists? Tags? Weird stuff? 2) to direct our output goals - Setting output class assumption. eg: how many classes? - Is the dataset balance?
For example, Malaysians, in general, are supportive of government orders of movement restriction. This hypothesis is evident from the prominent words such as rumah, kawalan, pergerakan, kawalan, stay, perintah
and many more. This plot also gives a good sign that the corpus can be used to analyze How government orders affect Malaysians, which can be classified as effective
vs not effective
View full code here